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Working with OpenRpa Variables

One of the most important features of OpenRpa is the ability to use variables to store and manipulate data during the execution of a workflow. Variables can be used for various purposes, such as passing parameters between activities, storing intermediate results, controlling the flow of logic, and interacting with external applications or services.

In this blog post, we will explore how to create, assign, and use variables in OpenRpa. We will also cover some best practices and tips for working with variables effectively.

Creating Variables

To create a variable in OpenRpa, you need to use the Variables panel, which is located at the bottom of the workflow designer. You can also access it by clicking on the Variables button in the ribbon.

The Variables panel allows you to add, edit, and delete variables. To add a new variable, you need to click on the Add Variable button and enter a name for the variable. You can also specify the data type and the default value of the variable.

The data type determines what kind of data the variable can store and how it can be used. OpenRpa supports various data types, such as String, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Array, DataTable, and more. You can also use custom types defined by other activities or assemblies.

The default value is the initial value that the variable will have when the workflow starts. You can leave it blank if you don't want to assign a value at this point.

Assigning Values to Variables

To assign a value to a variable during the workflow execution, you need to use the Assign activity. The Assign activity allows you to set the value of a variable or an expression to another variable or expression.

To use the Assign activity, you need to drag it from the Activities panel and drop it into the workflow designer. Then, you need to specify the To and Value properties in the Properties panel.

The To property is where you enter the name of the variable or expression that you want to assign a value to. The Value property is where you enter the value that you want to assign. The value can be another variable, an expression, a literal value, or an output from another activity.

For example, if you want to assign the value "Hello" to a variable named greeting, you would enter greeting in the To property and "Hello" in the Value property.

Using Variables

To use a variable in your workflow, you need to refer to it by its name. You can use variables in various places, such as:

- In expressions: You can use variables as operands or arguments in expressions that perform calculations or operations on data. For example, if you have two variables named x and y that store numbers, you can use them in an expression like x + y to get their sum.

- In conditions: You can use variables as part of conditions that determine whether a branch or a loop should be executed or not. For example, if you have a variable named flag that stores a Boolean value, you can use it in a condition like flag = True to check if it is true or not.

- In arguments: You can use variables as input or output arguments for activities that require or return data. For example, if you have an activity that reads text from a file and returns it as an output argument named textOutput, you can use a variable named textInput as an input argument for the activity and assign its value to textOutput using an Assign activity.

- In selectors: You can use variables as part of selectors that identify UI elements for automation. For example, if you have a variable named title that stores the title of a web page, you can use it in a selector like <html title='{{title}}' /> to find the web page by its title.

Best Practices and Tips

Here are some best practices and tips for working with variables in OpenRpa:

- Use meaningful names: Choose names that describe what the variable is used for and avoid using generic names like var1 or temp. This will make your workflow easier to understand and maintain.

- Use consistent naming conventions: Follow a consistent naming convention for your variables, such as using camelCase or PascalCase. This will make your workflow more readable and organized.

- Use appropriate data types: Choose data types that match the kind of data that you want to store and manipulate. This will prevent errors and improve performance.

- Use default values: Assign default values to your variables when possible. This will ensure that your variables have valid values and avoid null reference errors.

- Use scopes: Use scopes to limit the visibility and lifetime of your variables. A scope is a container that defines where a variable can be accessed and how long it exists. You can create scopes using activities like Sequence, If, While, For Each, Try Catch, etc. By using scopes, you can avoid name conflicts and memory leaks.



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