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Installing OpenRpa

My personal quick guide on installing OpenRpa and OpenFlow

Software Required




Windows 10

Many Components do not work with Server 2016. Need to patch to latest level to install docker.

OpenRPA Studio

Development tool for OpenRPA


Backend for OpenRPA: Node Red for Queues; Mongo Db for Database, Openflow for Workflow

SQL Express 2016

SQL Express 2019 does not work on Windows 10. Used for Bot DB's

Docker Compose

Need this to install the docker container for Openflow into Docker after downloading from Github

Office 2013

Office 2013 does not require activation like newer versions and does the job

Visual Studio 2017 Community

Use this to develop Code and debug solutions. VS 2019 Community does not work on Windows 10 Enterprise.

Chrome Browser

Does not come standard with Windows 10

Adobe Reader

Need this to work with PDF's

Installation Sequence



Install Windows 10 into a Hyper-V Virtual Machine

Connect to the Internet and makes sure it is patched to the latest version. Does not need to be activated to do this.

Install SQL Express

Patch if you want too

Install .NET Framework or Visual Studio

Version 4.5 or Higher on Framework

Install Hyper-V components for Docker Desktop

Make Sure nested virtualization is activated on this VM

Install Docker Desktop

Install Sample to test that it works

Extract OpenFlow Containers to a folder. Copy Docker Compose executable into this folder

Rename traefik.yml to DockerCompose.yml

Install containers into Docker using docker compose

docker-compose up -d

Install the OpenRpa studio

Normal MSI install. Make sure you have the latest version from GitHub

Test if Openflow works in the browser

Edit the Settings.json file used by OpenRpa studio and change the path to point to you local version of OpenFlow

My Documents\Open RPA\settings.json


Internet research



Information on connecting OpenRPA to OpenFlow

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope LocalMachine

Need to enable Powershell to run scripts on the machine

Set-VMProcessor -VMName <VMName> -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $true

Enabled Nested virtualization on Host


Make sure it is WS and not WSS

Install Powershell Assemblies for C#

docker-compose-traefik.yml is for people running docker ce/docker desktop or docker swarm

docker-compose-toolbox.yml is for people running docker toolbox

docker-compose.yml is for developers who don't want to install mongoDB/RabbitMQ or an easy way to run one instance while debugging the other.

Docker Containers install options:

  • Rename docker-compose.yml to docker-compose-dev.yml

  • Rename docker-compose-traefik.yml to docker-compose.yml

  • Install the containers using "docker-compose up" inside a powershell ISE session




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V & A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa


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